Casino Famous Lines

James Bond is known for his witty puns and one-liners, many of which have become oft quoted pieces of popular culture. Here's our list of the best James Bond quotes from the series, from Dr. No through Casino Royale. Here are 25 memorable quotes by Hollywood gangsters you just don't wanna mess with. As you read them, you'd probably feel the chill of them breathing down your neck.

In gambling the many must lose in order that the few may win – George Bernard Shaw

A man’s gotta make at least one bet a day, else he could be walking around lucky and never know it – Jimmy Jones

The only sure thing about luck is that it will change – Wilson Mizner

The best throw with the dice is to throw them away – Unknown

If, after the first twenty minutes, you don’t know who the sucker at the table is, it’s you – Unknown

Son, we are sorry about the tuition funds. Your mother and I did not know you are not supposed to split tens – Unknown


Gambling is the future on the internet. You can only look at so many dirty pictures – Simon Noble

I used to be a heavy gambler. But now I just make mental bets. That’s how I lost my mind –Steve Allen

A gambler with a System must be, to a greater or lesser extent, insane – George Augustus Sala

A race track is a place where windows clean people – Danny Thomas

The less you bet, the more you lose when you win ― Bob Nastanovich

The house doesn’t beat the player. It just gives him the opportunity to beat himself – Nick Dandalos

The greatest risk is not taking one – Tim Fargo

Anybody can win, unless there happens to be a second entry – George Ade

You cannot beat a roulette table unless you steal money from it – Albert Einstein

Gambling: The sure way of getting nothing for something – Wilson Mizner

Money won is twice as sweet as money earned – From the movie The Color of Money

Don’t get mad that you lost, get mad because you didn’t win – Michael Gersitz

Part of it went on gambling, and part of it went on women. The rest I spent foolishly – George Raft

There is a very easy way to return from a casino with a small fortune: go there with a large one – Jack Yelton

The safest way to double your money is to fold it over once and put it in your pocket – Kin Hubbard

No wife can endure a gambling husband; unless he is a steady winner – Thomas Dewar

In most betting shops you will see three windows marked “Bet Here,” but only one window with the legend “Pay Out.” – Jeffrey Bernard

Maybe the difference between first marriage and second marriage is that the second time at least you know you are gambling – Elizabeth Gilbert

I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it – Thomas Jefferson

Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math – Author Unknown

No dog can go as fast as the money you bet on him – Bud Flanagan

A racehorse is an animal that can take several thousand people for a ride at the same time – Author Unknown


Show me a wealthy gambler and I’ll show you someone who has made his money from something other than gambling – VP Pappy

One of the healthiest ways to gamble is with a spade and a package of garden seeds – Dan Bennett

In the case of an earthquake hitting Las Vegas, be sure to go straight to the Keno Lounge. Nothing ever gets hit there – Author Unknown

A weekend in Vegas without gambling and drinking is just like being a born-again Christian – Artie Lange

You know you have a gambling problem when it’s 4am at the Mirage Sportsbook and you’re walking around going, ‘Hey you got the lacrosse scores?’ – Artie Lange

If you must play, decide upon three things at the start: the rules of the game, the stakes, and the quitting time – Chinese Proverb

The urge to gamble is so universal and its practice is so pleasurable, that I assume it must be evil – Heywood Broun

Depend on the rabbit’s foot if you will, but remember it didn’t work for the rabbit – R.E. Shay

Casinos and prostitutes have the same thing in common; they are both trying to screw you out of your money and send you home with a smile on you face – VP Pappy

Nobody is always a winner, and anybody who says he is, is either a liar or doesn’t play poker – Amarillo Slim

Poker is a lot like sex, everyone thinks they are the best, but most don’t have a clue what they are doing! – Dutch Boy’d

It’s hard to walk away from a winning streak, even harder to leave the table when you’re on a losing one – Cara Bertoia

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Alan started in the casino business as a dealer at 18. He gained his bookmakers permit at 22 and now runs Casino Tours Abroad.
  • The 50 Greatest Gambling Quotes Ever - 03/03/2014

Bond: So you want me to be half-monk, half-hitman.
M: Any thug can kill. I need you to take your ego out of the equation.

Vesper: It doesn't bother you; killing all those people?
Bond: Well I wouldn't be very good at my job if it did.

Bond: I already have a dinner jacket.
Vesper: There are dinner jackets and then there are dinner jackets; this is the latter. And I need you to look like a man who belongs at that table.
Bond: How... it's tailored?
Vesper: I sized you up the moment we met.

Bond: I've got a little itch, down there. Do you mind?

Vesper: Arrogance and self-awareness seldom go hand in hand.

Vesper: [Getting into the lift.] Take the next one. There isn't enough room for me and your ego.

Solange: You like married women, don't you, James?
Bond: It keeps things simple.

Bond: Why do people who can't take advice always insist on giving it?

Mendel: Helloooooo!
Bond: Did you bring any chocolates?
Mendel: I'm afraid not. [Laughs.]

Vesper: You love me?
Bond: Enough to quit and float round the world with you... until one of us has to find an honest job. But I think that's going have to be you. I've no idea what an honest job is.

Mr. White: Hello?
Bond: Mr. White? We need to talk.
Mr. White: Who is this?
Bond: The name's Bond. James Bond.

Bond: I always thought M was a randomly assigned letter. I had no idea it stood for -
M: [quickly interrupting] Utter one more syllable and I'll have you killed.

Villiers: [M has just been woken up out of a sound sleep by a phone call from MI6] It's James... it seems he's in the Bahamas.
M: [irritated] You woke me up to tell me his holiday plans?
Villier: Well, he's logged into our secure website... using your name and password.

Le Chiffre: Tell them I'll get the money.
Mr. White: Money isn't as valuable to our organization as knowing who to trust.

Vesper: So as charming as you are, Mr. Bond... I'll keep my eyes on our government's money and off your perfectly formed arse.
Bond: You noticed.
Vesper: Even accountants have imagination.
Bond: How was your lamb?
Vesper: Skewered.
Bond: One sympathizes.

Bond: [to Dryden] I know where you keep your gun.

Bond: [Of M] Listen, you go and find her, tell her to call Security at Miami Airport because I think a bomb is about to go off. Do it now.
Villiers: Sorry, can I put you on hold?
Bond: I thought you might.

Vesper: Am I going to have a problem with you, Mr. Bond?
Bond: No, don't worry, you're not my type.
Vesper: Smart?
Bond: Single.

Bond: [Of Le Chiffre] He's all yours.
Leiter: Much appreciated, brother.

Vesper: You love me?
Bond: Enough to travel the world with you until one of us has to take an honest job... which I think is going to have to be you, because I have no idea what an honest job is.

Gettler: I'll kill her!
Bond: Allow me.

Receptionist: Welcome to the Hotel Splendid. Your name, sir?
Bond: James Bond. You'll find the reservation under Beech.

Casino Famous Lines Las Vegas

Le Chiffre: You know, I never understood all these elaborate tortures. It's the simplest thing... to cause more pain than a man can possibly endure. And of course, it's not only the immediate agony, but the knowledge that - if you do not yield soon enough - there will be little left to identify you as a man. The only question remains: will you yield, in time?

Le Chiffre: Wow. You've taken good care of your body. Such... a waste.

M: You don't trust anyone, do you?
Bond: No.
M: Then you've learned your lesson.

Mr White: You asked for the introduction. That's all my organization will guarantee.

Vesper: I can't resist waking you. Every time I do you look at me as if you hadn't seen me in years. Makes me feel reborn.
Bond: If you had just been born wouldn't you be naked?

Leiter: I should have introduced myself, seeing as we're related. I'm Felix Leiter, your brother from Langley.
[sees that Bond has a knife]
Leiter: You should have faith. As long as you keep your head about you, I think you could have him.
Bond: Had. Excuse me.
Leiter: You're not buying in?
Bond: No.
Leiter: Listen, I'm bleeding chips. I'm not going to last much longer. You have a better chance. I'll stake you. I'm saying I'll give you the money to keep going. Just one thing- you pull it off, the CIA brings him in.
Bond: And what about the winnings?
Leiter: Does it look like we need the money?

Vesper: [Bond delivers her a cocktail dress] Something you expect me to wear?
Bond: I need you looking fabulous.

M: You've got a bloody cheek.
Bond: Sorry. I'll shoot the camera first next time.
M: Or yourself.

Bond: [after reading a note left by M and seeing the Aston Martin] I love you too M.

Vesper: So?
Bond: You want to do what to me?
Vesper: You've lost me completely.
Bond: You just said you can't wait to get me back to the room.

Le Chiffre: You've changed your shirt, Mr Bond. I do hope our little game isn't causing you to perspire?
Bond: A little. But I won't consider myself to be in trouble until I start weeping blood.

Bond: Now the whole world will know that you died scratching my balls!

Casino Famous Lines

Bond: Dry Martini.
Bartender: Oui, monsieur.
Bond: Wait... three measures of Gordon's; one of vodka; half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it over ice, and add a thin slice of lemon peel.
Bartender: Yes, sir.
Tomelli: You know, I'll have one of those.
Infante: So will I.
Bartender: Certainly.
Leiter: My friend, bring me one as well, keep the fruit.
Le Chiffre: [annoyed] That's it? Hm? Anyone want to play poker now?
Leiter: Someone's in a hurry.

Bond: [Receiving his cover story from a porter] Apparently we're very much in love.
Vesper: Do you usually leave it to porters to tell you this sort of thing?

Bond: I think I'll call it a Vesper.
Vesper: Because of the bitter aftertaste?
Bond: No, because once you've tasted it, that's all you want to drink.

M: I would ask you if you could remain emotionally detached but I don't think that's your problem, is it, Bond?

Dryden: If the theatrics are supposed to scare me... then you have got the wrong man, Bond.

Bond: The job's done and the bitch is dead.

Vesper: How was your lamb?
Bond: Skewered. One sympathizes.

Vesper: If the only thing left of you was your smile and your little finger, you'd still be more of a man than anyone I've ever known.
Bond: That's because you know what I can do with my little finger...

Vesper: Ten million was wired to your account in Montenegro, with the contingency for five more if I deem it a prudent investment. I suppose you've given some thought to the notion that if you lose, our government will have directly financed terrorism.

Mathis: Being dead does not mean one cannot be helpful.Dryden: If the theatrics are supposed to scare me... then you have got the wrong man, Bond.

Casino Famous Lines

Bond: The job's done and the bitch is dead.

Vesper: How was your lamb?
Bond: Skewered. One sympathizes.

Vesper: If the only thing left of you was your smile and your little finger, you'd still be more of a man than anyone I've ever known.
Bond: That's because you know what I can do with my little finger...

Vesper: Ten million was wired to your account in Montenegro, with the contingency for five more if I deem it a prudent investment. I suppose you've given some thought to the notion that if you lose, our government will have directly financed terrorism.

Mathis: Being dead does not mean one cannot be useful.

Obanno: I would take a hand for this betrayal, but you need it to play cards.

M: Who the hell do they think they are? I report to the Prime Minister and even he's smart enough not to ask me what we do. Have you ever seen such a bunch of self-righteous, ass-covering prigs? They don't care what we do; they care what we get photographed doing. And how the hell could Bond be so stupid? I give him double-O status and he celebrates by shooting up an embassy. Is the man deranged? And where the hell is he? In the old days if an agent did something that embarrassing he'd have a good sense to defect. Christ, I miss the Cold War.

Dryden: Your file shows no kills, but to become a double-0, it takes...
Bond: Two.
Dryden: How did he die?
Bond: Your contact? Not well.
Dryden: Made you feel it, did he? Well, you needn't worry. The second is...
Bond: [Bond shoots Dryden] Yes... considerably.

Vesper: I'm the money.
Bond: Every penny of it.

Bond: You don't think this is a very good plan, do you?
Vesper: So there is a plan?

Le Chiffre: I'm afraid that your friend Mathis... is really... my friend Mathis.

Mathis: It's amazing what you can do with Photoshop these days.

Le Chiffre: I have two pair, and you have a 17.4 percent chance of making your straight.

Bond: M really doesn't mind you making a little money on the side, Dryden. She would just prefer it wasn't by selling secrets.

Bond: Very sorry. That last hand... nearly killed me.

Mathis: How's our girl? Melted your cold heart yet?

Bond: [as Solange is kissing her way down Bond's chest] Can I ask you a personal question?
Solange: Now would seem an appropriate time.

Vesper: Rolex?
Bond: Omega.

Vesper: You're not going to let me in there. You've got your armour back on. That's that.
Bond: I have no armour left. You've stripped it from me. Whatever is left of me - whatever is left of me - whatever I am - I'm yours.

Bond: Vesper? I do hope you gave your parents hell for that.

M: We should've picked up on it but sometimes we're so focused on our enemies... we forget to watch our friends.

Obanno: Do you believe in God, Mr. Le Chiffre?
Le Chiffre: No. I believe in a reasonable rate of return.

Bond: [after bond has just lost his 10 million in the game, to the bartender] Vodka-martini.
Bartender: Shaken or stirred?
Bond: [pissed off] Do I look like I give a damn?


Bond: [upon receiving their alias documents] I'm Mr. Arlington Beech, professional gambler, and you're Miss Stephanie Broadchest...
Vesper: I am not!
Bond: You're going to have to trust me on this.
Vesper: Oh no I don't.

Casino Royale (2006)

More Casino Royale (2006)
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