I Have A Gambling Problem Reddit

If you’re worried about your own or someone else’s gambling, our warning signs might help you make a decision on what to do.Remember! If in doubt, it’s always best to seek help. Our helpline and netline advisers are here to help everyday.

Early Warning Signs

Some things might not seem to be obviously linked to gambling. Keeping an eye out for these warning signs might prevent small problems becoming bigger.

Most people who bet don't have a gambling problem, but some people become compulsive gamblers at some point in their life. People in this group lose control of their betting, to the point that it negatively impacts their life. Some people progress to pathological gambling, which can be a form of addiction. Signs that Someone May Have a Gambling Problem or Addiction. It is often more difficulty to recognize the specific signs of a gambling addiction compared to a substance abuse addiction as with gambling problems the signs could be due to a number of causes, some of them legitimate. First of all, Gambling is addictive. The risk and the winning can have a psychological effect on a person, making him unreasonable and irrational. The first step to solving a gambling problem is acknowledging it. Gamblers Anonymous have the following set of questions to test if you indeed have gambling problems.

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  • Being away from home without a reason
  • Constant shortage of money
  • Unexplained sources of money
  • Becoming secretive or lying
  • A lot of interest in gambling, odds, tips, and winning money
  • Losing interest in other hobbies, studies, family, friends, health and appearance
  • Mood-swings if they are not able to gamble
  • Bragging about winnings
  • Talking about gambling as a certain way of making money

Signs of a gambling problem

If someone has a problem for a longer time, it might have a more serious impact in their life.

  • Large debts (which they might make excuses for)
  • Trouble at school, college or work about non-attendance
  • Unexplained borrowing from friends family, or people less likely to ask questions
  • Unwillingness to repay borrowed money
  • Keen interest in gambling
  • Being more distant from friends and family than usual
  • Lying about the extent of their gambling to people close to them
  • Raising the subject of gambling or gambling debt in conversation

If you think that you or someone you care about might be showing any of these signs, it might be a good idea to look at some of our top tips for staying safe and getting help. Check out our pages on talking to a friend here.

Well i have struggled with gambling for about 12 years now.
dont even know where to start or what to say....
I Have A Gambling Problem RedditStarted out with slots 12 years ago, it got worse and worse and worse.
used to be couple hundred off paychecks, then whole paychecks
then borrowing money to gamble
likely down somewhere around 35 to 40,000 dollars since then.
I Have A Gambling Problem RedditI won a couple times , 1000 here, couple hundred there, maybe another 1000 over there
put it all back and then more. you know how it goes the win sucks you in
then won 10,000 last year online slots...paid some debt off and oh boy that suckered me in big time
well now i got a visa maxed out at 10,000 and a mastercard at 6000 with 20% interest. lol

I Have A Gambling Problem Reddit Roblox

all on gambling, never mind the money off pay cheques ..
even when i win i never cash out and stop, even when big amounts like 5000 or 8000
i just up my bets and lose it all
like i always do... greedy want more i guess,
Not even all that crazy about money, like when i have it, i gamble
Havewhen i dont have it i still gamble ... what the heck??

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sometimes i think i am addicted to the losing not the winning...I Have A Gambling Problem Reddit
i have a kid coming in one month. i have been laid off work,
i have ruined my life and hurt those around me and now my unborn child and my wife will have to

I Have A Gambling Problem Reddit Against

suffer too. I AM THE BIGGEST LOSER.. there is no way back...

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i feel suicide the best, although i dont even have life insurance.
I Have A Gambling Problem RedditI always say i will stop... never do..
i dont get it.,. i dont understand it.. i want to stop... i really do... why cant i
im not stupid, i used to shake my head at people like me wasting there money.,
WHY CANT I STOP. I am so weak of a person i guess..
I HAVE TO JUST STOP no one will or can make me stop but me... I understand this.. but i just cant freaking stop!!! it just dont make sense..